Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Testimony

As a Christian, our testimony stands as an important witness to our life. However, it's not the "be all and end all"...it's really a glimpse into our spiritual beginnings and provides information about the path which brought us to where we are. People have asked on occasion about my testimony as a Christian, so it seemed fitting that my first post be about this important subject. Here goes!

Jesus has been part of my life as long as I can remember. I guess you could call me originally a "cradle Baptist" as this was the denomination of my grandparents and my parents. My family moved from Massachusetts to run a ski inn in Franconia NH and then to Cazenovia, NY where my dad continued in his profession as a chef but as a "trouble shooting" chef which sent him to many exotic places to "fix" various large hotel restaurants. My family became members of the Presbyterian church where I was baptised and confirmed. My brother and I were hugely involved in the church youth group and then I went off into the world as an adult and into the service as a Russian Linguist in the US Air Force. This experience led me to walk in many parts of the world where my Biblical "mentor", Paul, lived, wrote and taught and enriched me deeply. Unknowingly, still, Christ was calling me closer to Himself and to a ministry I had not yet envisioned. It was here, though, through some tragic occurrences and losses of a close Christian friend, that I realized Jesus was more than a guiding "principal" in my life, but a blazing powerful presence who had saved me literally many times from my own folly and distress. Jesus became real to me in a way that has not only shaped the rest of my life, saved me for all eternity, and compelled me to carry His peace and healing grace and minister it to hurting people everywhere. Later came Boston University and Andover Newton Theological School and ordination in the United Church of Christ. During the time of great turmoil of the Viet Nam War, I realized the people who most needed Christ were soldiers in the field and I re-entered the Air Force as a Chaplain. Since then I have served people in churches and communities all over the US and continue to be amazed and grateful at the healing power of the grace of Jesus. Truly Christ is not only my savior, He walks with me every day as my brother. Joyfully, I am currently serving as Pastor of The United Church of Penacook.

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