Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well...it's official....I've got a blog!

You can’t imagine how long I’ve been resisting this. Well, if you’re a member of my church who emails me, perhaps you can. Technology and I are on growing terms as I endeavor to make a better friend of my computer.

This morning at breakfast with some Pastor colleagues, though, I realized it was time to take the plunge. Yes, I do read my email and respond and periodically experiment with “surfing” the Internet for information about church history, Biblical archeology, evangelism, church revitalization as well as the news. But a blog? Wow. This seemed quite beyond my minimal computer abilities until, after much reassurance and explanation from my pastor friends that even somebody with my modest skills could do this and, well, here I am.

Yes, my wife Karen (the technological person in the family) helped me find the best setting for my blog. First I checked out “Facebook” as this was the place some of my pastor colleagues found to be a good networking tool. I even registered there. Then, however, it seemed to be that there had to be a “blog space” better suited for Christian writing rather than the totally inclusive compendium of what can be found on “Facebook”. So, friends, ignore my registration on Facebook …. But also ignore the one at Chrisitanblog.com as that just seemed too difficult to navigate! Blogspot.com seems the easiest to write for someone a little technology challenged like myself, as well as the easiest for others to find. So now here it is: the name of my blog is "Christ is my Brother" and it's location is http://www.christismybrother.blogspot.com/ . For me, so far blogspot.com is an ideal (and free) hosting place.

So now, after writing my “about me” and my Testimony as my first blog post, this is my introductory entry. I don’t know how often I’ll post but I will try to do so on a regular basis. Some insight from my reading that I think might be interesting to you, a piece of news you might find edifying in your growth or even potentially funny stories about our dog (or cats) which usually end up with rather surprising Christian moral endings --- especially about relationships and how to get along with one another embracing our differences.

I invite you to link up as a “friend” (however that goes --- remember I’m really new at this) and join me on this journey. Already I’m beginning to get over my blog-anxiety…this is starting to be fun!!! See you again soon!

Next topic may likely be about why I’m not wearing my alb in church these days…..(and no, I haven’t been “de-albed” …completely voluntary for intentional reasons)

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